Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Study Sheds Light On Gluten Sensitivity -

Study Sheds Light On Gluten Sensitivity -
One reason why we are trying to change what we eat. Is it the wheat, or the impacts of GMO wheat to have more gluten. And, is it the GMO aspect, the gluten, or both? It does seem highly likely that there is a connection between the epidemic of disease in our population and how different much of the foods that are consumed have become in just a generation or two.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Man Who Thinks Everything Dr. Oz Says is Wrong, Pt 1. | The Dr. Oz Show

The Man Who Thinks Everything Dr. Oz Says is Wrong, Pt 1. | The Dr. Oz Show

As a family we aren't following exactly what Gary Taubes is suggesting, but he does make some interesting points that we are considering. Right now I will call it the Nourshing Traditions diet (Sally Fallon), supplemented with GAPS diet dishes thanks to the science that Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride outlines in her book "Gut and Psychology Syndrome." It is certainly a process to not waste all of the food we already had, think about food differently, and find new sources for local, organic, and pasture fed products. Our baby steps continue!

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